© 2021 by Ministério da Justiça_Código da Criança Guiné-Bissau.
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Auscultation held in 2012 in the regions of Bissau, Biombo, Oio, Tombali, Quinara, Bafatá and Gabú.
The essential objectives of this consultation were to understand the level of perception of people about children's rights at the national level and to understand what populations want or expect in terms of the legal protection of children.
The consultation revealed that the majority of the population advocated harmonization through the integration of comprehensive child protection in a single diploma, ie, a child code, rather than revisions or approval of separate laws.
preliminary studies
Analysis and discussion of all documentation resulting from previous consultations (2006, 2010, 2012) and legislation concerning children
Draft 0 drafted by a team of national consultants

Technical seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Coimbra)
July 23 and 24, 2019
CPIC Consultants Team

Technical seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Coimbra)
July 23 and 24, 2019

Technical seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Coimbra)
July 23 and 24, 2019

Technical Seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Lisboa)
October 30 and 31, 2019

Technical Seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Lisboa)
October 30 and 31, 2019

Technical Seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Lisboa)
October 30 and 31, 2019

Technical Seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Lisboa)
October 30 and 31, 2019
April and May 2019
Literature review and comparative law research
First round of work and contacts: team originally formed by 4 national consultants and an international consultant
Working meetings with the Ministry of Justice, UNICEF and key partners
June and July 2019
Writing of Part I of the CPIC: General Provisions and Principles
Technical seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Coimbra) on 23 and 24 July 2019
The technical seminar had the following work sessions:
Presentation of progress in the preparation of the Preliminary Draft Code for the Comprehensive Protection of Children (CPIC)
Introduction of the CPIC draft in the broader context of the international promotion and protection of children's rights
Joint analysis of issues relating to the child protection system in Guinea-Bissau:
How to guarantee the participation of all relevant entities, as well as proximity solutions?
Participants were organized into four groups to discuss and answer the following questions:
Which entities (state and non-state system) currently integrate the child protection system in Guinea-Bissau?
What are the minimum ages to consider in matters of child protection?
All groups were unanimous in the following conclusions:
The State must make a clear commitment regarding the coordination of the entities involved and the effective and regular availability of resources for the protection system.
The groups were not unanimous in the designation and types of entities to be created, but all considered the existence of an entity at the central level with coordination functions and others at the local level.
This protection system must be decentralized and involve communities and families as entities that best know the situation in each location and that must intervene in the first line.
It is essential to invest in the development of a more efficient and better coordinated child protection system
August 2019
Review of Part I of the CPIC according to contributions from the technical seminar
Note to Part I

September - October 2019
Technical Seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Lisboa) on October 30 and 31, 2019
The objectives of the seminar were as follows:
To report on the progress in the preparation of the Preliminary Draft for the Comprehensive Child Protection Code (CPIC) and to analyze structural issues in a participatory manner;
Analyze the solutions from the shared parts of the CPIC (excerpts from Parts II and III) in light of international recommendations and best practices as well as the national context.
The consultants presented Part II of the CPIC.
The presentation focused on each article, making participants aware of the main points of analysis and issues raised about each article.
Participants showed their support, generally agreeing with the proposed content. Comments were recorded and the text subsequently revised accordingly.
The consultants presented Part III of the CPIC.
The presentation focused more generally on the basic ideas of this Part. Given the complexity of the matter, there was no time to discuss all the details of part III, but only the general idea, with the following general (main) comments being made:
Participants raised doubts about the creation of new structures, but, on the other hand, stated that there must be structures close to the population and that these structures do not yet exist. Who should integrate these structures was not consensual (nor was there time to reach a consensus).
The issue of resources to enable these commissions to function has raised great concern - there are no structures with a vocation to protect the rights of children in the regions due to lack of State investment.
Participants were invited to analyze which should be the first link between communities and the system, since there is little State presence in the regions, few resources and, often, difficult accessibility. The profile of team members should include the following characteristics: trust, trustworthiness, visibility and/or influence, respect for confidentiality, proximity, commitment and/or special interest in human rights/child protection matters.
Child protection committees: Participants generally agreed that there should be multiple levels of intervention at national, regional and local levels.
November 2019 – July 2020
Writing of Part II and Part III: slow pace and interrupted by political instability and COVID crisis 19.
Remote work sessions.
Technical training sessions given to national consultants on protection systems and best practices by the National Policy consultant.
Working meeting with UNICEF in February 2020 to define next steps and better strategies: the strategy for Part III was discussed, in particular, which involved several fundamental decisions regarding the child protection system in Guinea and constitutes a innovative and pioneering work. Part III deals with the protection system: its entities, its measures, its procedures, etc. There are not enough studies, policies or doctrinal work, lack of background work in Guinea-Bissau that allows clear and concrete definitions, at the level of child protection policy and system that can simply be transposed to the legislative level.
Thus, consultants first have to define clear guidelines on what and how to regulate. For these reasons, the work is time-consuming and the pace must be slow to allow for reflection and “steps back and forth”, and there must be constant dialogue with partners with practical experience in these issues and with the children themselves, at the risk of simply copying other legislation or drafting inappropriate or unrealistic solutions taking into account the national context.
·In June, UNICEF and the Ministry of Justice selected a national consultant to develop basic mapping of juvenile justice and protection systems and lead coordination with the Faculty of Law of Bissau, as well as assist in the preparation of Parts III and V

Internal meetings of consultants

Consultation on the chapter on education
September 2020
August 2020 - December 2020
The teams were reorganized, keeping 2 international consultants and two national consultants.
· Completed and delivered the mapping on national protection actors and research on children in conflict with the law by the national consultant.
·Decided to proceed with the drafting of the parts relating to adoption and civil protection.
·Review and discussion of Part II:
Online technical seminars for the analysis and discussion of some chapters of Part II:
Education chapter: September 2020
Work chapter: October 2020
Writing and discussion of Part III:
In-person technical seminar (with remote participation of international consultants) for the presentation and discussion of Part III: December 14, 2020
Drafting/draft of Part VI (contact and conflict with the law)

Regional protection team meeting
February 2021

January 2021 – April 2021
Review of Part I - consolidation with other parts
Unfolding of the previous Part III -- new Part III (protection system) and Part V (protection measures and procedure)
Consultations on Protection entities (Part III):
Meeting with CAJ in February 2021
Unfolding of the former Part V (contact and conflict with the law) -- new Part IV (child in contact with the law) and VI (child in conflict with the law)
Writing and revision of Parts IV and VI
Technical seminars on Part VI (child in conflict with the law):
6, 14-15 April 2021
•Concept development + research Parts VII (adoption) and VIII (civil guardianship)
• Draft 0 draft of Parts VII and VIII
Technical Seminar held in Bissau (at Hotel Malaika)
April 14 and 15, 2021

Writing and discussion of Part VII (national and international adoption):
Technical Seminar on Adoption: May 28, 2021
Writing/draft of Part VIII (civil guardianships)
Technical seminar on tutelary civil proceedings: June 4, 2021

July 2021
Pre-Validation Activities
CPIC presentation to children and young people: July 10, 2021
Activity held at Casa dos Direitos

July 2021
National Technical Validation of the CPIC: 13 and 14 July 2021

Post-Validation Activities
Formation in the People's National Assembly: July 15
Watch the video at the following link: https://fb.watch/v/2-hgmA9gj/

Fevereiro 2024
Apresentação do website sobre o CPIC no workshop sobre o fortalecimento do sistema de proteção da criança

What future CPIC applicators say
Laudolino Medina
CPIC is a beautiful gift for children, as it represents a joint effort by the Bissau-Guinean State in articulation with its partners to create a favorable environment for the realization of Children's Rights in Guinea-Bissau.

Elsa Maria António
Judge of Law
This draft would be a result of advances in the legal field on the rights of children and young people in our country, since this essential document contains many more articles, compared to the legislation in force in this area, and ensures more efficiently rights and duties of children and young people who need comprehensive support and public policy focused on social, psychological and cultural needs.
Furthermore, the CPIC, which is more adapted to the reality of children in Guinea Bissau, aims to strengthen and harmonize existing legal instruments, thus establishing a national child protection system.

Aladje Tanzigora
The Code for the Integral Protection of Children will be an essential mechanism that will govern the organization and conduct in society and will serve as a reinforcement for the realization of the Rights of the Child in Guinea-Bissau.